New At-Home Lab Kits to Teach COVID Testing Procedures

In a pilot project to provide hands-on experience with diagnostic tests, BABEC developed a simulation to test for the SARS-CoV-2 virus. This Mock COVID-19 ELISA and Rapid Test Kit provides hands-on practice for at-home learning of two techniques widely used in...
Fall 2020 Virtual Workshop Series Recap

Fall 2020 Virtual Workshop Series Recap

To support teachers with much needed remote learning resources, BABEC delivered a comprehensive workshop series that reached 94 high school science teachers across the Bay Area. The series was intended to support high school biology and biotech teachers with online...
Popular BABEC Labs Redesigned for Remote Learning

Popular BABEC Labs Redesigned for Remote Learning

In the summer of 2020, the BABEC curriculum team quickly adapted to educator’s needs for virtual learning resources. We adapted our most popular lab activities into 100% virtual options – with flexible lesson plans for teachers, and custom-made videos to simulate the...
Amanda Cherry
Paradise Valley HS
Phoenix, AZ

The curriculum materials are beautifully prepared and easy to understand-thanks for preparing such great resources that are easy to use.