K9 PCR: Survival of the Friendliest
In this lab, students perform PCR on a dog DNA sample to detect the presence of a genetic insert associated with hypersocial behavior. They first collect a cheek cell sample from the dog and conduct a hypersocial behavior survey to calculate its HYP score. Next, students extract DNA from the cheek cells, perform PCR to detect the 6.6 chromosomal insert, and visualize the results using gel electrophoresis. Students then analyze their class data to determine if there is a correlation between the HYP score and presence of the insert.
This lab was developed in collaboration with Misty Wehling, Gabrielle Johnson, Tracy Niday, and Holly Carr at Southeast Community College in Lincoln, NE. The curriculum was co-written with Emily White, a biology teacher at Southwest High School in Lincoln, NE.
Learning Objectives
1. Perform DNA extraction, PCR, and gel electrophoresis to detect the presense of a genetic insertion in dogs.
2. Analyze data to determine if the results support a correlation between hypersocial behavior in dogs and the 6.6 chromosomal insert.
Prior Knowledge
1. Experience with DNA extraction, micropipetting and gel electrophoresis
2. Familiarity with the concept of artificial selection and how it relates to evolution”
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Disciplinary Core Ideas:
LS1-A Structure and Function
“…genes are regions in the DNA that contain the instructions that code for the formation of proteins…”
LS4.B – Natural Selection
“The traits that positively affect survival are more likely to be reproduced, and thus are more common in the population.”
Science and Engineering Practices:
Analyzing and Interpreting Data
Arguing from Evidence
Crosscutting Concepts:
Scale, Proportion and Quantity
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