
Days 2-4: Making Alginate Pearls with Lactase

In this multi day lab, students make alginate “pearls” with lactase enzyme and use them to digest lactose in milk.

On Day 1, students learn about the many applications of alginate (derived from seaweed) and how to make different concentration ratios of alginate:lactase solutions.

On Day 2, students make alginate:lactase pearls from four different concentrations of solutions and determine how the structure of the pearls is affected. After choosing their favorite concentration of pearls, students add them to milk to monitor their ability to break down lactose. This is done by measuring the amount of glucose produced during the lactose-lactase reaction over time in a 96-well plate.

This lab was created in collaboration with the BioLink Depot, which is providing the materials for each kit.


Learning Objectives

1. Determine how the concentration of alginate and lactase affects the formation of pearls.

2. Use alginate:lactase pearls to break down lactose in milk and measure the glucose that is produced.

Prior Knowledge 

Experience with micropipetting

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Performance Expectation:
HS-PS1-5. Apply scientific principles and evidence to provide an explanation about the effects of changing the temperature or concentration of the reacting particles on the rate at which a reaction occurs

Science and Engineering Practices:
Analyzing and Interpreting Data
Communicating Information

Crosscutting Concepts:
Energy and Matter

In order to access any Curriculum resource, please or sign up if you haven't already done so.

Amanda Cherry
Paradise Valley HS
Phoenix, AZ

The curriculum materials are beautifully prepared and easy to understand-thanks for preparing such great resources that are easy to use.

Byron Gougoumis
Burton HS
San Francisco, CA

All Babec labs are well organised and modelled effectively with clear, helpful procedural instructions, easily transposed to the classroom.

Gianne Souza
Lincoln HS
San Francisco, CA

The online resources are SO well done! The best I have ever had. Very little modification to make them clear and easy to follow. I have done two BABEC lessons and they are so well made that they made teaching online fun again.

Heather Johnson
Burlingame HS
Burlingame, CA

When doing the BABEC labs I consistently hear students say they feel like "real scientists."

Marianne Gudmundsson
Glenbrook South HS
Glenview, IL

Well organized and scaffolded; flexible structure and can be used partially or as a whole. This unit can be used as is...superbly written and thought out...incorporates many skills and allows student collaboration and student choice/voice.

Rocky Ng
South San Francisco HS
South San Francisco, CA

Thank you for creating these curriculum materials. I am beyond grateful for the quality lessons, on-the-point figures/videos, and easy-to-navigate biotechnology curriculum.

Thi Ngo
Capuchino HS
San Bruno, CA

The level of support really made the whole process easier and encouraged me to continue incorporating biotech into my curriculum. Thank you for the live assistance during the labs and for responding to inquiries so promptly and with such urgency.

Anonymous Teacher

Really well thought out curricula. Great to see "old" activities that have been re-imagined with lots of consideration to NGSS.

Anonymous Teacher

This was the best educational workshop I have had the honor of attending, and I am so thankful.

Anonymous Teacher

Wonderfully executed. Strengthened my skills. Thank you!!

Anonymous Teacher

BABEC has such a strong positive impact on teachers and students - thank you for your amazing work!