Days 2-4: Making Alginate Pearls with Lactase
In this multi day lab, students make alginate “pearls” with lactase enzyme and use them to digest lactose in milk.
On Day 1, students learn about the many applications of alginate (derived from seaweed) and how to make different concentration ratios of alginate:lactase solutions.
On Day 2, students make alginate:lactase pearls from four different concentrations of solutions and determine how the structure of the pearls is affected. After choosing their favorite concentration of pearls, students add them to milk to monitor their ability to break down lactose. This is done by measuring the amount of glucose produced during the lactose-lactase reaction over time in a 96-well plate.
This lab was created in collaboration with the BioLink Depot, which is providing the materials for each kit.
Learning Objectives
1. Determine how the concentration of alginate and lactase affects the formation of pearls.
2. Use alginate:lactase pearls to break down lactose in milk and measure the glucose that is produced.
Prior KnowledgeÂ
Experience with micropipetting
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if you haven't already done so.Performance Expectation:
HS-PS1-5. Apply scientific principles and evidence to provide an explanation about the effects of changing the temperature or concentration of the reacting particles on the rate at which a reaction occurs
Science and Engineering Practices:
Analyzing and Interpreting Data
Communicating Information
Crosscutting Concepts:
Energy and Matter
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